The graphics on this site are copyrighted
by Lisa's Country
Clipart and are not available for unauthorized
use. You can
however purchase a complete collection
of over 8300 different
graphics that Lisa has created on CD.
Here's what you get:
1. Every Graphic Lisa ever created!
2. A total of Over 8300 image files are on this CD-ROM!
3. ALL the Graphics from
All the collections I offer for sale,
which I have also listed
below, are included:
Country Charm Clip Art
Collection 1, 2, 3 and 4
Country Kitchen & Cooking
Holidays, Seasons &
Special Occasions Collection
Country School Graphics
Country Backgrounds Collection
Sewing Crafts 'n More Collection
Country Flowers and Garden
Country Animals Collection
Banners2Go Collections
1, 2 and 3
Misc Country Collection
4. All the Graphics you
see on my Free Graphics Pages
and on my entire website!
5. A whole lot more graphics
that aren't on my website anywhere
or in any other collection
are included!
6. Web Graphics in .gif and Printable Graphics in .bmp and .wmf are included!
7. Purchase of this CD includes your registration to use these graphics
your personal AND business
8. Printable Recipe cards,
Shopping Lists, Gift Tags, To-Do Lists,
Bookmarks, Labels, and
Desktop Wallpaper are included.
9.A Country Charm Font is
10. A Viewing Program
so you can easily
copy/paste, print and browse
through the images on the CD!
If you order this collection,
you won't need to order
anything else because
You'll Have it All!
This collection is available for only $46 postage paid.